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When you join SWE at Mercer, you’ll be joining a group of women who can offer advice and encouragement through the difficulties of being an engineering major, while also receiving opportunities to connect and foster friendships with your fellow female engineers. You’ll also get to participate in site visits for potential internships, volunteering, events, and more! 

Another way to network in SWE is by joining a committee! Starting this next semester, Fall 2020, we will be starting a social committee, outreach committee, and fundraising committee. Joining a committee is a great way to get to know people in SWE while also building up your resume. Being a committee leader is a great position if you would like to eventually become a member of our executive board.



One more way to network within SWE is by joining our mentorship program! The introduction of our Big Bear/Little Bear mentorship program in Fall 2020 will allow opportunities for underclassmen to network with upperclassmen engineering students. Our mentorship program is also a great way to meet new people and make friends within SWE. If you're interested in being a mentor or a mentee, please click the button below and fill out our application form! Our application includes questions to allow for big/little pairs to be matched up based on similar interests, majors, and personalities.



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